by Signe Lonholdt | Sep 30, 2023 | Investing, Personal Finance
Picture this: Two friends, same job, same income, and same dreams for the future. Fast forward ten years, and one is sipping cocktails on a beach in Bali, while the other is still pinching pennies and counting vacation days. The difference? One took action on...
by Signe Lonholdt | Aug 26, 2023 | Investing, Personal Finance
“My money is just stored in my bank account”. In a meeting today I was speaking to a young woman, well on her way in her career and a clever and bright person. Her story inspired me to write this and to share the graph below. The graph illustrates the difference...
by Signe Lonholdt | Aug 11, 2023 | Personal Finance, Personal Growth
You’re browsing through your facebook and Instagram feed and pause scrolling when you see a photo of an acquaintance smiling at the camera, seemingly enjoying a nice vacation. You’re thinking: “How could this person afford that vacation?”. You’re both the same place...