
About Signe Lonholdt 

Investment Mentor 

Profile Photo of Signe Lonholdt

I’m Signe Lonholdt and I support you in creating financial stability and long-term wealth by teaching you how to buy and sell stocks. 

My investing method comes from Warren Buffett and the reason I teach his strategy is because it is a low risk approach that uses common sense and simple principles and his average return yields 20% a year since the 1960’s, so he is someone who is worth modelling.

The strategy has made my mentees feel confident as a investors, and I also want you to thrive in making your own investing decisions and to feel the peace of mind of financial stability.

My mission is to teach investing to hundred thousands people through my workshops, podcast, blog and other content. My vision, that makes my heart so happy, is that I envision people at the dinner table with their loved ones, toasting to their new-found financial literacy and to being stock owners.

Do you want to see yourself toasting to your financial future? Get started with a 30-minute call with me and find out how I can help you.

“I am relatively new to investing. I came across Signe on Instagram and found a lot of value in the things that she was sharing. I finally reached out, and it was one of the best investing decisions I have made. I now have more confidence than ever when it comes to finding wonderful companies to invest in, and how to determine their intrinsic value as well as the margin of safety price.

Thank you, Signe!”

Colan Nielsen

You get my help to:

Make Confident Decisions

A lack of confidence in own investing decisions is often something beginner investors experience and with that comes the fear of missing out on investing opportunities. The investing strategy I teach provides you with a framework that enables you to make confident investing decisions on your own.

Learn How to Invest

As a beginner the jargon and all the choises can be difficult to overcome and I can help you get over that beginner threshold. A lot of mentees that I’ve worked with just didn’t have the bandwith to get started on their own and things kept getting in the way or they were facing a mountain of information online. At the same time they knew how important it was to get started trading stocks, so hiring me was a way to supercharge their learning and have a gently accountability parter. 

Minimize Complexity

The world of stock trading can seem very complex because of the jargon and the math, but what I’ve found is that the industry purposely make it seem more difficult for you to trade stocks than it really is. In that way they can get you to buy their services instead of investing on your own (and you will save their high fees). In my sessions I explain clearly and in a consise way, the steps you need to take to get started.

Mindset and Balance

In my experience it’s the mindset and finding balance that’s the biggest threshold to cross for a beginner. That’s why it’s important to work with your mindset and in my one-to-one sessions there’s a safe space to share what is holding you back so we can work on your mindset and you can get the mentoring you need to create that balance with starting to invest in stocks.

In Short

Together we can make it much simpler and more fun for you to invest in stocks. You deserve to succeed in what you dream of, and with me as your mentor and professional sparring partner, you don’t need to figure it all out yourself. Book a free 30-minute consultation with me to get to know me and to find the session that would be the right start for you. Tap the button to schedule time in my calendar.

Get to know me:

I publish a weekly podcast with my investing partner Michelle Marki called “Investing Mastermind Podcast“. You can find it on Apple Podcast, Spotify and many other podcast platforms. In the podcast episode below, you can learn more about how I got into investing and about my investing practice.

This is Signe

I support beginner investors to thrive by making their own investing decisions. The investing style I teach comes from proven investors like Warren Buffett, Guy Spier, and Phil Town. My passion is to pass on my knowledge and let you experience the certainty, confidence, and rewards of investing in stocks.

I have been investing for over 15 years, and taken trading courses in technical analysis, growth stocks, day trading strategies, dividend investing, micro loans, commercial real estate, ETF trading, technical indicators, fundamental analysis and more. But it wasn’t until I discovered Buffett’s investing strategy that I felt I had found a solid investing strategy. Since then, I’ve pursued various investing courses, including those by renowned investor Phil Town. Additionally, I am fortunate to have two tremendously successful mentors in hedge fund management and a highly esteemed expert specializing in content about Warren Buffett’s investment strategy. 

Further, I’m a member of two mastermind groups about investing. Not only am I very passionate about teaching Buffett style investing, the strategy also got me to experience financial security and immense joy in life which I’m incredibly thankful for. 

I am a former executive at LEGO Group and I left my corporate career to pursue my dream: a passion for investing and for teaching as many people as I can about Warren Buffett’s investing strategy. I had found my passion in life and instantly knew I had to contribute by spreading this knowledge and pay my knowledge forward.

Featured In

Millennial Investing

Together with Michelle Marki I was interviewed about Warren Buffett’s 4 principles of investing for the podcast “Millennial Investing” – part of The Investors Podcast Network.

Listen to Episode

I'm That...

In this very personal interview Eitan Chitayat and I talked about everything from my then-career as an Executive at LEGO Group, about my childhood and my passion for investing.

Listen to Episode

What the Community Say…

Thank you so much for offering the free intro course this weekend. It really was life changing for me.

Yesterday was my birthday and your course was the best gift I could have given myself.

Webinar Participant

I’ve been where you are...

As a former executive at LEGO and a mother of two, I know everything about the difficulty in balancing family, work and hobbies. Life is so busy and investing is one of those things that you feel like you should do, but there’s just very little time and energy to look into it. And then you stand on the foot of a mountain of information – it’s overwhelming and it’s difficult to know where to go for sound advice. So you don’t do anything about it.

Maybe you buy a few stocks in the hopes that they will go up – something you heard about from one of your co-workers that seems to know what their talking about. But you likely feel that you have no idea what you’re doing and you’re still having a fear of missing out because you’re not really serious about learning the basics. The FOMO is painful and now you have this guilt hanging over your head. Will you have enough money to go travelling with your family (like the 3 week holiday your neighbours just took – after they went to an exclusive resort earlier this year – how can they afford that)? Will you have enough for retirement? And talking about retirement – the thought of being able to retire earlier than at 70 years old and get to experience something outside the cubicle feels like an unachievable dream. 

I understand the FOMO because I’ve been there and one day I took action. I’d had enough of missing out and I decided to get educated. It was a life changing decision and today I teach others what I learned. I would be honoured to be your mentor. The strategy will get you started on investing for long-term wealth and financial security. Warren Buffett has 2 rules. Rule #1: Don’t loose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1. With this investing method the strategy is that your hard-earned money will compound year after year. Like a snowball rolling down a hill picking up more and more. 

Tired of procrastinating? Take action now and schedule a 30-minute meeting to learn how I can help you get started.

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