
Important and Exciting Changes

by | May 3, 2023 | Updates

First of all, I’m very excited to share that I have decided to focus full-time on investing and mentoring. I have left my corporate career to pursue my passion. For you, that means more value. My ambition is to focus more on the community of investors through the investing workshop, as well as providing more content on my channels (blog, social media, podcast).

As part of going all-in, I have also decided to change the name of my business. Until now, it has been Aahus.com (of course, there’s a great story behind such a name 😆). The feedback I received from you was that it was a difficult name to understand.

The new community will be called Investionista and will continue to centre around Warren Buffett style investing.

Aahus will continue to be a holding company for all my businesses, but all the workshops, sessions, and content will move to Investionista.com.

Annual Festival for Investors

The third thing that’s going on these days is that I’m attending Warren Buffett’s event: Berkshire Hathaway Annual Festival for Investors in Omaha, Nebraska. It will be a packed couple of days with investing panels, investor BBQ’s, and of course, the main event: Berkshire’s Annual Meeting for Shareholders this Saturday.

If you’re attending the event, please let me know – it would be wonderful to meet up. I’ll, of course, share a thorough report of everything that went on, and you can follow me live via my Instagram or Facebook channel.

When I go to an event like this I always think about 3 intentions or goals – and I encourage you to do the same when you have meetings or events. Always know what you want to get out of it.

For this event my goals are:

  • Content creation: Get inspired from the meetings and events and the outcome is quality content for my channels.
  • Networking: Have a great time and mingle and the desired outcome is also to find at least 4 people to form an investing mastermind group that meet-up online frequently.
  • Learning: I’m also here to learn from experienced investors, company executives and investor peers and the outcome is not only knowledge for myself but knowledge I can share with the investing community.

That’s it for now, but quite a lot of changes and news from my side.

Read More Blog Posts:

Buffett's Blueprint Workshop

Learn how to build long-term wealth using a proven investing strategy. The 7-week workshop gives you a clear, step-by-step investing roadmap.

Financial Freedom Plan

This one-to-one training session is using Tony Robbin’s method to create a personal plan for you. Mentees appreciated getting a number to when they would reach financial freedom.

"Stocks Made Simple" Training

A tailored package of three sessions designed specifically for you. This is an excellent starting point, ideal for anyone with a busy schedule and limited or no prior investing experience.


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