You’re ready to take control of your financial future!
You’ve made it to this page which means that your spot on the Buffett’s Blueprint Workshop is secured!
Now, give yourself a high-five in the mirror, toast with a partner or friend and congratulate yourself of taking this new step to becoming financially literate.
But before you leave this page to celebrate your new investment, please read the information below. You’ll find some important info, the workshop dates and curriculum.
Pro tip: bookmark this page in your browser to find the information again.

The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.
Warren Buffett
A few practicalities:

We will meet for live class on Microsoft Teams every week – make sure you have Microsoft Teams app on your device (if you’re on a computer, you can join from a web browser and won’t need the app).
Besides the weekly live classes please schedule one hour of your choice per week to do “funwork”. Open your calendar now and find available times during the course period.
Contact me if you need help, have questions or want to share your excitement for this fantastic decision you made:
You can also join the community in the Investing Mastermind Group on Facebook.
Remember to share with your friends that you’re taking responsibility for your own financials. Download this graphic and message to share in your stories or in a post on your social media pages.

I’m excited to have you with me on your joyful mission, and I’m looking forward to the next months and for you – hopefully many years – of life as an investor!
Warm Wishes,
Signe Lonholdt
Mark These Dates:
Workshop in English every Thursday from January 9th to February 27th 2024 at 19:00 (Central Europe/ Copenhagen) See time in your timezone.
Every class is 1-1 1/2 hour.
Thursday, January 9h, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone
Thursday, January 16th, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone
Thursday, January 23rd, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone
Thursday, January 30th, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone
Thursday, February 6th, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone
NOTE: Thursday, February 20th, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone
Thursday, February 27th, 7 pm, Central Europe Timezone

Workshop Modules and Curriculum
In this overview you can reacquaint yourself with the workshop modules and content in each of the seven modules. Each module is the topic of the week.

Module 1
Money Mindset, Unlocking Your Money Patterns
Your new, remarkable investing strategy must be built on a strong foundation.
Get crystal clear on why you are investing. Your goals, dreams and desires so you ensure unwavering commitment and avoid derailing your progress in investing.
Discover the 27 questions that will unlock your money mindset and eliminate limiting beliefs about money so you can start earning and learning
Change any old, limiting patterns and get going on your new investing journey to accomplish your financial aspirations.
Get the net-worth calculator and learn how to put down secure roots so you can soar with your wings.
Use the cheat sheet to get you started with Warren Buffett's first investing principle.
After this session you will be able to define your investing objectives, explore your net worth, and take the first step into Warren Buffett’s proven investment strategy.
Module 2
Investing Fundamentals: Tools to Find Quality Stocks
The Key to Successfull Long-Term Investing is Assymetrical Risk and Reward.
Gain insights to different risk profiles and develop your own personal risk tolerance profile.
Learn the how to compose a low risk - high reward portfolio.
Get started on your collection of wonderful stocks with a curated list of truly remarkable investment opportunities.
Discover the successful super investors and copy their low risk - high reward strategy
Learn how to evaluate the trustworthiness and competence of CEOs and management teams associated with stocks.
You’ll have the skills to build a well-balanced and high-performing investment portfolio catering to your newly identified personal risk profile.
Module 3
Find the Winner With a Checklist
Uncover successful investing: identifying the true winners in the market.
Unlock the techniques for identifying winning stocks.
Get my formula to identify great investment opportunities.
Follow along while I demonstrate a winning case for a stock.
Swipe my exclusive wish list template to keep track of wonderful stocks.
After this module you will be able to make informed investing decisions on your own and reach a new level of certainty and confidence in your abilities to see investment opportunities as they arise.
Module 4
Unveiling Hidden Gems: Discovering Cheap Stocks
Discover the secrets of the pros and invest like them – you have what it takes!
Uncover the method of investing without the need for complex calculations.
Get my automated tool to the ONE thing you need to buy a cheap stock: the valuation tool.
Discover the framework to why Warren Buffett has so high annual gains: investing with a margin of safety.
You will get an incredible tool that will automatically and simply give you the price at which you should wonderful stock for.
Module 5
Generate An Extra Income With Options
The short term solution to generating cash flow and compunding through trading.
Get a monthly payment to grow your investment account or enjoy some extra funds.
Learn how professional money managers generate cash with very low risk.
Leverage the tools from previous modules to execute straightforward trades with confidence.
You will learn to Generate a Consistent Cashflow through Short-Term Options Trading.
Module 6
Generate An Extra Income With Options II
Options trading is one of the most profitable methods out there, but many use the wrong strategy — you will learn the Buffett way.
Unlock the secrets of how to grow your trading account steadily month for month.
Develop the skills to execute precise entries and exits, maximizing your profit potential on every trade.
Receive support and guidance to carry out these simple trades.
Explore an alternative trading style to identify the one that aligns best with your personality and lifestyle.
No matter what your skill level, this module will unveil the way of generating consistent cashflow through short-term trading.
Module 7
When is the right time to sell?
Though you want to “set it and forget it” there’s a framework behind strategic selling to optimize profits.
You've learnt how to buy low - now it's time to uncover how to sell high.
Swipe my selling strategy - you will get my insights on when to sell with a profit.
Get the scoop of how to tell if it's the right time to harvest your investments.
In this session you’ll learn when to sell and how to balance the temptation so sell when the market is really low. During the workshop you will acquire the skills to take advantage of any market situation.